The last week or so has been spent prepping the guest house for Kyle to move in. It had been about four years since I last painted it, and it was starting to look messy in some places.

Kitchen before.

The kitchen had some paint splotches where Vince had been testing paint colors before he moved. The cabinets and floor also needed to be repainted. I chose a sagey-green and a light cream from Dunn Edwards (expensive).

Kitchen after, with Vince's artwork on the ceiling.

I painted the concrete floors throughout with a fresh coat of slate gray. The woman at Ace Hardware was very good at matching the existing color.

The bedroom posed a different problem. One of the walls had two big splotches of white paint and I didn't really feel like painting the entire wall. The solution, "Think like Vince!" I have several dozen cans of various color paints so I did a 1960s retro look with squares and rectangles of various colors.

Bedroom, after.

My mother dislikes it, "It is different," she says. I think it looks fun.

Next weekend I will not be doing any chores.