30 years ago today I graduated from Sault Area High School. My father didn't want to go to my graduation ceremony. My grandmother came up from Traverse City to attend. I remember being excited, and yet crying afterward because I was starting a new chapter.

I still have the sweater.

 That night I went to a graduation party and got drunk for the first time (rum and pepsi, I still can't drink that) and even smoked some pot. Young and innocent. I remember one stick-in-the-mud girl being quite angry with me about that. The next time I saw her, a year later, she had turned very religious and seemed disturbed.

The three years I went to Sault High were pretty amazing. People treated me nice, I wasn't bullied, I had a mad crush on a couple of guys but was smart enough to not say anything to them. I went off to University of Michigan in the fall, unprepared in many ways.