At the Non-denominational Egg Decorating and Backyard Egg Hunt, I served rice pasta salad, potato salad, deviled eggs, and two gluten-free desserts:
Vanilla cake with whipped cream and strawberries.This cake wasn't so good, the rice flour was grainy.
Lemony cheesecake.I used Trader Joe's gluten-free gingersnaps for the crust.
Mummy and I have been getting things for the prize baskets and I used the silvered fig tree to hang egg and acorn ornaments on
Baskets and egg tree.I had bought Mummy a knitting book with animal patterns and she made a duck.
She surprised me by giving the duck to baby Milo!!! I was somewhat disappointed.
The guests arrived and the five dozen or so boiled eggs were decorated.
Phil and Ralph decorate.I like the two-tone eggs the best.
Decorated eggs.The guests assembled out front and I explained the rules (large egg=1 pt, medium=2, small=3). Then One! Two! Three! GOOOOO.
Unlike the last two years, the sun shined. Open your eyes Sandy!And people ran around like crazy grabbing for eggs.
Jeffrey S. and Stacy in front of the guesthouse.People were very thorough and I wonder whether I will find any they missed.
Brian even found one from last year.
Jim and Tara. Afterward, we retired to the drawing room.
And counted eggs.I double checked the numbers so I would not make a mistake I had made once before, in which the 4th place person was actually the third place person. Luckily, my numbers added up. Brady missed getting third place by one point.
The winners: Patrick (1st), Zane (2nd), and Stacy (3rd).This is really my favorite party because it has 1). food, 2). crafts, 3). treasure hunt, and 4). prizes! And really easy to do and everyone has a good time.