Anyhows, Erich picked me up at the airport and we drove to his house, which is decorated with many stuffed animal heads from animals that probably breathed last sometime in the early 20th century.

The next m0rning Erich and I journeyed north to Charleston, way up in the mountains.

Erich as Madonna in Vogue.
I got to see real snow. I made a snow angel. Or a snow devil. Impossible to tell them apart.

My butt is getting soaked.
That night Erich, David, James, and George and I had supper at the Venetian.

David, George, Erich, and James.
The scenery was interesting, lots of women dressed up as whores.

Pretty moon.
We walked to the Bellagio so I could see the floral display, which had many tulips and hyacinths.

And a giant bee.
It was a nice weekend, nice to see my friends, and nice to escape the news.