Mac didn't mind either.
I traveled north to unwind and spend some time in nature and in front of the television. Mark and Rodger were excellent hosts and I got to do many things I wanted to do. I ended up getting to know those two guys pretty well, I think they should have me be their houseboy for the summer.

Including looking at slugs.
We went to Multnomah Falls and the pictures I took of myself didn't turn out because I had ice cream smeared all over my face.

Multnomah Falls.
Lots of pretty wild flowers and green foliage to look at, as well as waterfalls.

Rodger and Mark.
We went bird watching and I got to see a Bald Eagle feeding its chick, along with a great blue heron rookery.

I also saw some Lady Bugs fucking.
It is so lush and green there, it seems impossible that it is that way.

Wild rose.
Such a contrast with Tucson, which has just started to have summer.

So many interesting birds to see.

And fun to watch Mac play in the water.

Mac getting ready to jump in the water after the plastic duck.
I made a non-rage-inducing lemon meringue, a strawberry-rhubarb pie, and an angelfood cake with lemon curd. Unfortunately, the angelfood cake didn't rise very well- too much humidity.

Strawberry-rhubard pie.
I got to spend some time with James, and had dinner with Sam and Greg. As it was, I didn't have a car so I didn't get to see some other guys that I would have liked to.

There is always next time.