Once at the party I wished Jimbo had been there because there was an ENORMOUS bird perched up in a nearby eucalyptus tree and there was some discussion as to whether it was a hawk or an eagle. I decided that yes, it was a juvenile golden eagle, which later proved to be correct when I compared photos.

Juvenile golden eagle.
We played many games of volleyball and my skills have certainly declined, although twice I made a nice series of points while serving.

I made a pizza- Trader Joe's herb pizza dough, pesto, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, basil leaves, red onion, and pine nuts.

And I ended up making the chocolate cake with maple cream cheese frosting. It was very good. My attempts to make maple buttercream frosting failed, and so I made maple ice cream out of the remnants, and I sampled a bit this morning- very decadent.

Chocolate mayonnaise cake with maple cream cheese frosting.
If you like chocolate cake, this is a really excellent recipe. When I butter the cake pans I use sugar instead of flour on them, it leaves a slightly crispy crust on one side of the cake. For the frosting I used one package of cream cheese, about 1/4 cup maple syrup, and 1 1/2 to 3 cups powdered sugar. You may have to add more powdered sugar to make it firmer.