Mine is the one on the left.
On Saturday I cleaned house thoroughly. I was amazed at how much cat hair and dust there was, especially on top of the door sills. I managed to break a pane of glass while removing the window-mounted AC unit. Under a couch I found numerous sewer roaches cached there by Snowball. Sometimes, my degrading homosexual lifestyle is truly dirty and disgusting.
Unexpectedly, Chad called me and said he was coming to Tucson because he was bored in Sierra Vista. I had been planning to stay in (and had, in fact, turned down a party invitation from Patrick), but I dressed up as zombie redneck and Chad as a medieval man, and we went out to two bars, and both of us agreed that Tucson's nightlife, even on Halloween, is pretty non-awesome. Chad was super-delighted when I gave him the very unstable chair that looks like a Roman camp chair. He will be using it for his SCA events.
And on Sunday I was lazy and took naps, watched Doctor Who, and transcribed 1860s newspaper articles. Later, 35 or so children trick-or-treated and I ran out of candy. Pirates and Tron were the popular costumes this year.
This coming weekend should be awesome.