I had decided I needed to take Mummy some place that she hadn't been, so we drove north to Flagstaff. I parked her in the Motel 8, and Evan met us and we went and had pizza for supper (the pizza place made a gluten free one for Mummy).

By the next morning my eyes were burning from the pollen. Evan was nice enough to drive us as we excursioned east to Petrified Forest National Park.

A bazillion years ago this corner of Arizona was a swamp and a bunch of tree fell down and became petrified. There were some crocodiles, some dinosaurs, and some pretend dinosaurs too. I learned this while blinking away the stuff coming out of my eyes, at the visitor center. I then made Mummy walk the trail to see some of the aforesaid namesake trees.

Mummy and tree.

There were many enormous fallen down petrified trees.

This one is about four feet tall and 40 feet long.

Also many signs telling visitors not to steal pieces. Apparently this is a big problem. I really don't want some old stones cluttering up my house, so I obeyed as one should.

Some of the pieces lying about were pretty.

In other places there was impressive geology.

Lavender rock!

Evan forgot his sunglasses.

At the Puerco Pueblo ruin we got to see some impressive petroglyphs.

Ibis catching a frog.

Click on this picture to see the designs, often seen on pottery.

We had a lovely day together.

To the north of the Petrified Forest is the aptly named Painted Desert, which was in many different hues of lavender, blue, gray, white, cream, black, and so on.

Painted Desert.

At the overlook I asked three European or South American ladies if they wanted their picture taken together. They were delighted I asked. Then they returned the favor. One had a cute dog that had a sign stating is was for "emotional assistance." It sat on my lap and posed better than the rest of us. I guess this is why it is for emotional assistance.

Mummy was more interested in the dog than in posing for a group photo.

At home I am weary and I attempted to nap, but a coughing spell and the hijinks of several naughty kitties prevented said nap. It was a lovely weekend.