On 10 November 1969, my Kindergarten teacher, Marie Harrison (1905-1976), wrote the following:
Consideration of others: Shows thoughtfulness and fairness to others.
Response to rules: Very good.
Following directions: Is learning to follow directions.
Personal growth: Manages own clothing and personal needs nicely.
I am the boy on the far left.
In June 1970, Mrs. Harrison wrote: Homer is a mature, well adjusted little boy. He is a pleasure to have around.... It would strengthen Homer's arms and legs to take part in a short period of strenuous exercise each day...He has very good work habits...

I was a physically weak child, even though I was older than most of the kids in my class (I was born in September and started school when I was almost six). The things I remember about kindergarten- taking cupcakes with little plastic animals on them for my birthday, making a spool holder for Mama for Christmas, praying before we could have our milk, playing on the teeter-totter, collecting snow and watching it melt to see pollution, planting beans and watching them sprout, and giving a speech at the school pageant about Holland.
Things were a lot simpler then.