The leaves on the aspens are just turning yellow in Flagstaff. The weather was beautiful and on Saturday Evan suggested we go for a hike. I was feeling all allergy-filled, but the hike took care of that.


Still, the elevation was about 5,000 feet higher than Tucson, so I had to stop a few times and rest.


The geology of Red Mountain is all volcanic and erosion and less than 6,000-years-old if you believe many prominent Republicans.

I wonder if the Ark drifted by these rocks?

Not to get all theological, but why do Christians worship a fucking genocidal pedophile? Their "God" killed everybody except Noah (including babies) and then, for the second time, sanctioned rampant incest. Of course, then there was the 4,000-year-old "God" sticking his invisible penis inside a teenaged Palestinian girl. That's just grody.

We came across a baby serpent, who did not tempt us to eat forbidden fruits.

Snake, smaller than it looks.

It calmly posed for a close-up.

Snakes have a bad reputation they don't deserve.

On the way back I admired the pretty red flowers. There were also many varieties of pretty yellow flowers and some purple asters.


There was snow way up high on the peaks, but it is difficult to see here.

Vista. With many yellow flowers.

Saturday night we made home-made pasta sauce with all organic, local produce. It came out really nice. Then on Sunday morning we went and looked at some sites near Evan's domicile. As always, I admired the pretty ceramics, but carefully put them back where I found them.

Black on white.

The weather was so nice I didn't want to come home.


We made chocolate mayonnaise cupcakes and eggplant mozzarella and falafel for lunch. Then I got back in the car and arrived in Tucson four hours and one minute later. Tonight I actually yelled at the television during the Amazing Race. Tomorrow is the last day of the dig and then I get to be inside writing for a while. The fall approaches rapidly.