Personally, I didn't bother to watch because I can't stand her voice. I did run through it with the sound off, mainly because I was transfixed by her hairdont.

What. The. Fuck. Happened.

What. The. Fuck. Happened.
Did her hair stylist kill themselves halfway through the hair cut? The asymetrical look is just ugly with a capital U.G.L.Y. I guess that sorta matches her soul.
Here's another screen shot from a video in which she whines that Herman Cain isn't a good man because he doesn't hate gay people enough.

Not a MILF.
Maybe she cut off her ear and is covering it up? Maybe a horn is pushing out the left side of her skull? Or maybe she doesn't dare go to a gay stylist because you never know what they would do with a pair of scissors. If I cared enough about this former slut I might send her an email telling her to drag her diabetic butt to a different stylist, but then, their is only so much you do with what her god gave her.
Anyhows, I won't be lecturing my friends and families about gay marriage at Thanksgiving. Mainly because I will be too busy eating mashed taters.