It was already sunset when I picked Jimbo, Glenn, and Brian up at their hotel. We drove west over Gates Pass and paused in the parking lot beyond so they could admire the view. The photos I took were, of course, somewhat dark.

Jim, Brian, and Glenn.

 Afterward, we drove east to have supper at Rosa's. I swear, I gain a pound by just walking in the door.

Jim enjoys a margarita.

It was nice to have a night off from entertaining my mother. I suggested she heat up some Trader Joe Biryani rice for supper (which she really likes), but instead she had a bowl of cereal.

I woke up with a painful neck, probably a result of a cat walking across my face in the middle of the night and my startled reaction to said event. It is painful enough that I would almost stay home from work, but with my mother here, I wouldn't get much rest.