I drove north to Flagstaff but after I turned onto I-17, the little yellow wrench light lit up on my car. I puzzled over what to do, should I ignore it and continue on? But within a minute the car started slowing down and soon I was on the shoulder plodding along at five miles an hour. I pulled off on Thunderbird Road and made it to a residential street, where I stopped and called Evan to tell him the news.

After sitting a while the car started and seemed fine, so I drove it across the street to a Circle K and bought some cooling water (I haven't had a caffeinated pop in two weeks). I called John, and then Alex, who works next to a Ford dealership. I ended up driving the car slowly over there, across town, stopping a few times when the car didn't want to work. We left the car there overnight and I had supper with Alex, it was nice to see him.

This morning he dropped me off at the dealership at 7:30 and I drove out at 1:45. I have an extended warranty, the company states very clearly that you have to call them before you do repairs. Guess what? They don't answer the phone on Saturday. So I will see on Monday what happens with that.

Back home now, weekend basically sucks. It is hot and sweaty in my house and I am pouty.