Dig Day 3. Barry and Chris started on the second outhouse pit. The upper portion was filled with sand and gravel with only a few artifacts- material dumped in back in the 1890s to fill the shaft after indoor plumbing was installed.

Below that the green poop layer showed up and artifacts increased. These included window glass, a hurricane lamp, a lamp chimney, buttons, nails, tin can fragments, a wine glass, engraved tumblers, and doll dishes. They also found five bottles.

Barry points to an olive green wine bottle.

Bottle hunters routinely dig old outhouse pits looking for treasure. They destroy the scientific value of the artifacts, since they remove the whole bottles and mix up all the artifacts. I really dislike bottle hunters. On a previous project, half of the outhouses and wells were dug by them, and it made it impossible to tell much about the lives of the people who lived there.

Perfume bottle with stopper.

Already I can tell that the family who dumped trash into this outhouse were wealthy. It is uncommon to find fancy engraved glass cups.

Liquor bottle, unknown bottle, and a Vegetable Pain Killer bottle.

Tomorrow we draw the profile, showing the soil layers, and then remove the dirt in the other half of the pit. I wonder how many bottles we will find in there?

The pit in the afternoon.