Some of the artifacts- bottles, a wine glass, iron pipe, rubber hose, and so on.
Along the south wall of the outhouse was a piece of decorative ironwork, lying at an angle. It was over four feet long when I finally found the end.

Iron work.
Along the south wall of the outhouse was a piece of decorative ironwork, lying at an angle. It was over four feet long when I finally found the end.

Iron work.
Between screening, a little digging, and filling out bags I wore myself out. Now I am at home, four hours later, and I am still sweating.

Paper label, circa 1900.
Among the other things we found were bottles with fragmentary paper labels, a piece of jewelry shaped like a deer's head, a coin (possibly Canadian or English?), buttons, cloth, window glass, a smashed doll's head, dishes, and a large wheel.
At home I am getting ready to make nectarine chutney, although I think it will probably get canned tomorrow, since I am too pooped from working on the outhouse.