Dig Day 8. I feel really worn out- it doesn't help that I can't stop waking up at 4:00 AM. Anyways, we continued digging in three different outhouse pits. Allen's reached the five ft level, with many bottles, some dolls, and a number of broken dishes with nice decal printed flowers on them. He stuck a probe down into it- at least three more feet to go. We will have to strip out the area around it before we can go further. Chris's outhouse pit is almost down to the poop layer, I am expecting lots of good artifacts tomorrow.
Tyler's outhouse was completed today and the last level yielded some cow bones, a 1902 coin, and then lying together in a pile, a complete set of silverware. Knives (the iron blade rusted away, forks, tablespoons, teaspoons, and small dessert spoons.

The silverware is actually brass. I wonder what the story for its disposal into an outhouse was. Perhaps an angry housewife who wanted new silverware?