My great great grandmother's brother Emmett. He had a pretty tragic life. His first wife Harriet had eight children. Seven of them died in childhood, most of them during a scarlet fever epidemic in 1883. Then Harriet died from tuberculosis in 1887. After she died, Emmet went on a long trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, probably to grieve. A couple of years later he married Effie, a family friend. They moved to Minnesota in 1899 and then on to Wisconsin, where he operated a dairy farm.

Elijah (1885), Emmett (1849-1922), Effie (1870-1937), perhaps Wilhelmina (1898-1901), and Minnie (1890).
Effie would have eight children, her second daughter Wilhelmina dying at age three. Today it would be inconceivable to lose eight of your sixteen children. So strange to think how modern medicine has saved so many lives.
Sometimes I wonder whether Emmett ever sat by himself and remembered the eight that didn't grown up.